The Camargue® is an innovative terrace covering equipped with a bladed roof system, that can be closed off on both sides with wind-resistant Fixscreens®, glass sliding walls, Loggia® sliding panels or a combination of the former.
The roof consists of extruded aluminium blades that can be tilted to adjust sun-protection and ventilation as required. In closed position, the roof system is fully waterproof. Even in heavy showers, concealed guide water channels drain the water towards the columns.
With a snow loading rating of up to 110kg/m2 it also has a wind resistance of up to 120km/h for closed blades, this system is ideal for areas prone to bad weather.
This water drainage also operates when the blades are opened up when it has stopped raining, and this ensures that the furniture on the patio remains protected.
By adding side elements, the Camargue® can be customised at infinitum. There are wind-resistant motorised Fixscreen® available in no less than 50 colours and these can be fitted with Crystal windows. You can build in glass sliding doors, also combined with screens! The Loggia® sliding panels offer yet another possibility. These can be equipped with the same fabric as the screens, or with WRCeder sections.
A great deal of engineering work has also gone into the quality of the finish. For example, all the fixations are virtually invisible, any electrical cabling can be completely hidden out of sight, and the floor fixings can also be concealed.