We provide a luxury boxed experience for any occasion gifting. whether its an Anniversary, Birthday, Valentines Day, Mother’s Day or just because. Our roses are delicately layered with splendid tones delivered to mark the special day with your signature style. From classic red roses, bleu glamour roses to pearl white roses.
The Journey of the Roses
The roses journey begins on our farms in Ecuador, 3000 meters above sea level at the equator, where perfect growing conditions result in the world’s finest roses. Even more importantly, we are proud to say that our roses are sourced under strict ethical conditions, as the social welfare of our people and the sustainability of the environment are crucial aspects of our success. Finally, when the roses are ready, we carefully transport them to our atelier where they are handled in climate controlled rooms, finely arranged in our signature envie roses box, and delivered to you with the utmost care, ready for you to create unforgettable memories to cherish for a lifetime.