In the sector of the interiors and exteriors stairs, a context possibly obscured by other aspects concerning the interior design, i have had the possibility of knowing an enterprise producing staircases, who has shown me what does it mean to create one of the undoubtedly most important components of our house, or at least for those ones having a minimum of two floors.
Several people take for granted that, when on buy or rent a residence, the stairs are already there, specifically made for bringing us to the superior floor, or to the inferior one.Nevertheless, sometimes it can happen to necessarily do some renovations, or to do some modifications in the rooms of our home in order to modernise or change them according to our personal taste, and it can rise the need of putting a new staircase in it.
Italian Fashion Stairs, through its experience and the vaste range of products, has made me see that is possible to personalize every kind of spiral stair, helicoidal stair, or flight stair, with every kind of material, such as steel, stainless steel, glass, or wood. It is possible to create a stair fitting to all furniture’s styles, from the classic, to the modern one, without necessarily omitting craftsmanship quality and the element of security, a concept that should always be comprehended in the one of staircase. The enterprise producers are working with care and precision in the custom-made stairs project’s preparation, with a particular attention to their personal needs, and the design.
Among the various models proposed by Italian Fashion Stairs, they have particularly attracted my attention the cantilever stairs N-GLASS, and its variant GLAM WOOD N-GLASS. The first one lacks of the girder, having the wooden treads fixed to a bearing wall; while in the second one there is neither the structure, nor the bearing wall, and the treads are directly fixed to glass panels through elegant stainless steel studs, and the glass is transformed in an alternative stair balustrade. In these two cases, in addiction to the innovative and functional design, the glass becomes a pretext to lighten the flight staircase, to open the space, and to enlighten the environment through its transparent and clear surface.
Autoportante N-Glass, Autoportante Glam Wood N-Glass
And if someone would not appreciate the wooden treads but would prefer them in glass too, there are no problems at all, because the productive flexibility of Italian Fashion Stairs lets its customers to satisfy their needs and to personalize the stairs they wish, according to their likings. The competence and the producers’ target of proposing quality products and services satisfying their customers, can be easily perceived in every step of their producing processes, and everybody can prove it by simply observing their stairs, the care in the details, the refined design and the customers satisfaction. Italian Fashion Stairs has teached me that the Made in Italy is not only a synonym of aesthetic taste, but also quality, innovation and customer care.
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